Monday, March 12, 2012

Too Happy to be Sad...

We can't help but be overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from family and friends. Ever since we received the news, many have come to our rescue desperately wanting to help in some way. That's when some of our loved ones suggested we start a charity donation fund in our little girls behalf. Because of our pride...and the excuse of not wanting to "burden people" we were hesitant to open up our lives and our need to everyone we knew. We had always been so sufficient, so capable. For the most part, we had always found ourselves on the other side of things. But now...without work...beginning graduate school with the hopes that loans see us through...we found ourselves falling short in many ways. Realizing, through the gentle persuasion of those closest to us, that this could be a means to get the help we so desperately need during this difficult time, we moved forward with the idea...nervous of how we as parents would be perceived. We did it in the humble hope of providing our dearest family and friends a means to help our little her in a way that we cannot under the current circumstances. It is particularly hard for me, as a father, to admit to myself and others...that I'm not in the position to give my little girl what she needs. I know I will get there...but I am not there now...and stepping aside and letting others do what I cannot...has been challenging. However, I can say from the bottom of my heart...that I am forever changed.

Never, and I mean NEVER, could we have imagined the magnitude of goodness that exists in the hearts of those we call family, friends, and even strangers. There is a kindness and love in every corner of this world that trumps even the darkest evil, sadness, or pain.

May everyone who has helped us so much find all the blessings they stand in need of. I have never in my life felt that God is so acutely aware of us. I know He knows us...personally...but as I've spent more time on my knees than on my feet over the past few weeks...I have felt His presence...felt His reassuring hand on my shoulder...

Thanks to Him...and thanks to all of our family and friends...we can and will do this...

1 comment:

  1. I just came across your blog. Thank you for the example you have shown and your willingness to open up your heart in such a difficult time and give God the credit.
